We share the gospel to give everyone an opportunity to respond! Have you made the decision to follow Jesus?
This is your outward profession of faith! Jesus has commanded us to baptize and teach. Are you waiting to get in the water?
Are you looking to belong? Are you looking for a family to walk with you as you walk with Jesus? We would love to connect with you and have you be a part of our faith family!
Followers of Jesus also do the work that He has called us to. Where has God gifted you to grow His Kingdom?
"Many are called, but few are chosen." Do you feel God calling you to lead in the capacity of ministry? We'd love to hear from you!
311 Sparkleberry Ln
Columbia, SC 29229
Office Business Hours
Sunday - Worship Experience 10:30am
Monday - Thursday 10am to 4pm
Friday and Saturday - Closed